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American Indian Shaman
 Shamanic healing focuses on integration of the physical and energy bodies with the higher self, with the objective of reconnecting us with our inner purposes and reason for being.
 Typical shamanic healing methods include dream therapy, shamanic journeying to alternate realities, finding our animal spirits, soul retrieval to overcome past trauma, loss or abuse, and assemblage point therapy to realign our energy bodies.
 The results of Shamanic healing are often reported to be life affirming and transforming - sometimes of a similarly dramatic nature to near death experience.
 Traditional Shamans developed techniques for lucid dreaming and what is today called the out-of-the-body experience. The ability to consciously move beyond the physical body is the particular specialty of the traditional Shaman. These journeys of Soul may take the Shaman into the nether realms, higher levels of existence or to parallel physical worlds or other regions of this world. Shamanic Flight, is in most instances, an experience not of an inner imaginary landscape, but is reported to be the Shamans flight beyond the limitations of the physical body.

Astro Carto Graphy
 Astro*Carto*Graphy (A*C*G) is one of the most exciting concepts to come out of astrology in the recent renaissance of astrology.
 Put simply, when you move to another location - to settle down or for a holiday or just traveling through, different parts of your birth chart are stimulated.
 Astrocartography is a means of discovering where in the world you are affected and how. Not only can you understand what forces influence you in your present location.
 Astrocartography can show you the best places on Earth to pursue your dreams, find spiritual growth, improved health, love and romance, prosperity or adventure...

Aura Reading
 Your aura is the colored band of energy that surrounds your body, is a powerful key to your personality. There are 14 essential aura colors - and one of them is yours. When you know the specific aspects of your aura color, you can better understand your emotions, talents, and potential. You can also explore which colors you are most compatible with romantically, sexually, in your friendships and your career.
What Color is Your Aura? by Barbara Bowers, Ph.D.

Blood Analysis
 Live blood cell analysis is carried out by placing a drop of blood from the patient’s fingertip on a microscope slide under a glass cover slip to keep it from drying out. The slide is then viewed at high magnification with a dark-field microscope that forwards the image to a television monitor.   Both practitioner and patient can then see the blood cells, which appear as dark bodies outlined in white. The practitioner may take The results are used as a basis for prescribing supplements. The procedure is also called live cell analysis, dark-field video analysis, nutritional blood analysis, and several other names. 
 Dark-field microscopy is a valid scientific tool in which special lighting is used to examine specimens of cells and tissues. The objects being viewed stand out against a dark background—the opposite of what occurs during regular microscopy. 
 This allows the observer to see things that might not be visible with standard lighting. Connecting a television monitor to a microscope for diagnostic purposes is also a legitimate practice.

Book of Runes
 Anthropologist Ralph H. Blum first published this complete guide to an ancient divining tool in 1983. The 10th anniversary edition enlarged and with more useful details, serves as a perfect introduction for beginning seekers, or a practical manual for those with more experience. Blum presents a fascinating, detailed history of the use of the runes, touching on linguistic as well as oracular issues, and tracing them from the ancient Teutons and Vikings through the Anglo-Saxons and beyond. 
 There are detailed instruction for the use of the runes follows, addressing everything from making runes and choosing the best questions, to different styles of casting, to keeping a rune journal. Including a set of rune stones to start the beginner off, this book belongs on the shelf of everyone with an interest in studying age-old traditions and keeping magic alive in the present.
Ralph Blum

Cards of Destiny
 How would you like to have a reliable source of information about your past, present and future? How about intimate knowledge of your personality and the personalities of your friends, family and associates? Would you believe it possible to know the intimate details of a person's life just from knowing the day that they were born? 
 Many people have always believed that there existed a fabled “book of destiny” that held a record of their lives from birth till death. However, the knowledge of this book was always kept secret, waiting for the time when mankind would be ready for it. Now, the book has been opened and it is available for all who search for the real answers to their life. Actually, it has been here all along, but no one knew of the power this little book held. This little book is our common deck of playing cards. 
 In 1988 Robert discovered an ancient and secret method of determining peoples personal destinies. Using this Book of Destiny system, Robert has made successful predictions about many people in the news including Martha Stewart, Kobe Bryant, David Koresh, Michael Jackson, Ex-president Clinton, Ben Afflect and Jennifer Lopez, and O.J. Simpson. Since then he has written ten books that reveal the secretes of this ancient science to the public. The most notable of these, Cards of Your Destiny and Love Cards have become very popular and can be obtained in almost any bookstore in the United States. Through his work, Robert hopes to raise the conscious awareness of people around the world using the tools of Astrology and the Science of the Cards. His company, Seven Thunders Publishing, provides many products and services to help others achieve more personal power and happiness.

DISC is the four quadrant behavioral model based on the work of William Moulton Marston Ph.D. (1893 - 1947) to examine the behavior of individuals in their environment or within a specific situation. DISC looks at behavioral styles and behavioral preferences. 
Marston completed doctoral studies at Harvard in the newly developing field of Psychology. In the early 1920’s Marston first studied the concepts of will and power and their effect on personality and human behavior. These findings contributed greatly to the field of psychology.
Marston published Emotions of Normal People in 1928. He first formally presented his findings, though he had written about DISC four years earlier. Marston published a second book on DISC, Integrative Psychology, in 1931. He wanted to develop a unit of measurement of mental energy. He did not develop the DISC test or assessment. He never used it as an assessment. 
However, in 1930, a friend did use it as an assessment in a book on success and it was published as one of the first in the newly emerging field of self-help publications. http://www.discprofile.com

Emotional Freedom Technique
 This can be used for physical or emotional pain.
Rub the tips of your fingers together. It should be smooth. That's an indicator of your Chi. Say out loud “my name is . . . “(say your name) your finger tips should stay smooth. Next, say out loud “my name is . . . “(i.e. Plato) your finger tips should become rough or drag. When you have a drag, your Chi is interrupted. It indicates you have said is not a truth.
 If it is not smooth when you say your name, find the sore spot under your collar bone about 3 inches from the beginning (by your throat). Rub in a circle from the top to your left arm, down then toward the right with pressure until you can get a smooth feeling between you fingertips.
 To begin the EFT process, ask yourself questions to find out the highest priority for you to work on:
I need to address: my health, emotions, relationship? One will be smoother than others, work on that one.
 If its health, rub your finger tips together and ask: “Is it heart, kidneys, spleen, lymph glands, stomach, pancreas, intestines, heart muscle, heart valves, liver, gall bladder, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenals, right lung, left lung, diaphragm, duodenum, arterials system, energy, blood sugar, circulatory system, endocrine system, aura. “The one that is the smoothest is what you need to work on.
 If its emotional, you'll be aware of the exact object of attention. If not, ask questions while rubbing your finger tips together until you get a smooth reaction.
 When you have isolated what you are going to work on, again rub your finger tips together and ask if the degree of the issue is a “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10” until you get your dragging response. If its an 8, you will continue to do the EFT sequencing until you get a “0” response.
   Write out several statements about the issue. When my lower back began having spasms every day, I knew it wasn’t physical because it began within a few days of when I began to help my brother with his help issues. It is typically “the weight on my back.” The statements included “I don’t like being in pain, I am slowed down by my back pain, I can’t dance when my back is in pain, I can’t get a restful night’s sleep when my back is in pain, I don’t want to date anyone with my back in pain, I am limited by what physical activity I can do because my back is in pain.” 
 Holding your hands up tap the sides of your hands together about an inch below where your little finger begins while saying “Even though my (state situation like “my back is in pain”) I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.” 
 With your right index finger, begin the tapping sequence at the beginning of your eyebrow (sore spot and an indent, near your nose) Say one of your statements out loud while tapping (“I don’t like being in pain”)
 Tap at the end of your eyebrow (sore spot and indent) while saying your next statement.
 Tapping under your eye (an indent, near your nose) while saying your next statement.
 Tap under your nose while saying your next statement.
 Tap at the crease where your chin begins while saying your next statement.
 Tapping your collar bone (about 3 inches from the inside edge underneath the collar bone, search for the sore spot) while saying your next statement.
 While tapping under your arm (about 5 inches below your armpit, feel for the sore spot) repeat your next statement  three while saying your statements.
 Tap your with both index fingers, the right and left rib bone directly under the breast (liver meridian) while saying your next statement. If you run out of statements start at the beginning
 Tapping your index finger on the top of your head while saying your next statement
 You may do as many repetitions sequences as you choose but always end at the top of the head. 
 Between repetition sequences, rub your finger tips together and ask if the degree of the issue is a “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10” until you get your dragging response. If it’s an 8, you will continue to do the EFT sequencing until you get a “0” response. 
 Skip the ring finger
 Keep repeating the sequences until you have achieved a “0” when rubbing your fingers together. Then create new statements, all positive and repeat the sequence.


 The Enneagram’s structure may look complicated, although it is actually simple. It will help you understand the Enneagram if you sketch it yourself. 
 Draw a circle and mark nine equidistant points on its circumference. Designate each point by a number from one to nine, with nine at the top, for symmetry and by convention. Each point represents one of the nine basic personality types. 
 The nine points on the circumference are also connected with each other by the inner lines of the Enneagram. Note that points Three, Six, and Nine form an equilateral triangle. The remaining six points are connected in the following order: One connects with Four, Four with Two, Two with Eight, Eight with Five, Five with Seven, and Seven with One. 
 These six points form an irregular hexagram. The meaning of these inner lines will be discussed shortly. 

Hand Analysis
 You handprints are unique, unchanging, and formed five months before birth; fingerprints have been an accepted and infallible means of personal identification for more than a century. But what if the unique patterns on your fingertips could also reveal what you are meant to do with your life?
 In LifePrints, hand analyst Richard Unger presents a ground breaking method of self-discovery based on twenty-five years of research and fingerprint statistics for more than fifty thousand hands.
· Bring your Life Purpose directly into your day to day life 
· Focus you mind, heart and intention on your plan of action
· Follow up support, follow up support, more follow up support

Herbal Medicine
 Herbal medicine, also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine, refers to the use of any plant’s seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Long practiced outside of conventional medicine, herbalism is becoming more main stream as up-to-date analysis and research show their value in the treatment and prevention of disease.
 Plants had been used for medicinal purposes long before recorded history. For example, ancient Chinese and Egyptian papyrus writings describe medicinal plant uses. 
 Indigenous cultures (e.g., African and Native American) used herbs in their healing rituals, while others developed traditional medical systems (e.g., Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine) in which herbal therapies were used systematically. Scientists found that people in different parts of the globe tended to use tsimilar plants for the same purposes. 
 In the early 19th century, when methods of chemical analysis first became available, scientists began extracting and modifying the active ingredients from plants. Later, chemists began making their own version of plant compounds, beginning the transition from raw herbs to synthetic pharmaceuticals. Over time, the use of herbal medicines declined in favor of pharmaceuticals. 
 Recently, the World Health Organization estimated that 80% of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some aspect of their primary healthcare. In the last twenty years in the United States, increasing public dissatisfaction with the cost of prescription medications, combined with an interest in returning to natural or organic remedies, has led to an increase in the use of herbal medicines. In Germany, roughly 600 to 700 plant-based medicines are available and are prescribed by approximately 70% of German physicians. 

 Hypnosis and hypnotherapy as we know it today, all started way back on the 23rd of May 1734, in Europe, at a place called Bodensee (Lake Constance) on the German-Swiss border, with the birth of Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), the “Father of Hypnosis” (as he is known throughout the world of hypnosis and psychology).
 He was raised in a Swiss-German family, in a small Swabian town called Iznang, and was the third of a family of nine children to be born to Anton Mesmer Senior and his wife. Unfortunately there is not a great deal known about the parents of Mesmer, except that his father was a gamekeeper and a forest warden for the Bishop of Constance. Both parents were very strong Catholics, and tried encouraging the young Mesmer into the priesthood, but to no avail.
 In 1784, at the age of 33 years, the Marquis de Puysegur discovered how to lead a client in to a deep trance state called “somnambulism,” using relaxation and calming techniques. The term “somnambulism” is still widely used among hypnotherapists today in reference to a deep hypnotic trance state.
 The Marquis de Puysegur was able to describe three cardinal features of this deep trance state or somnambulism; these were:
     · Concentration of the senses on the operator 
     · Acceptance of suggestion from the therapist 
     · Amnesia for events in a trance 
Sigmund Freud, born on 6th May 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia, got involved in hypnosis between 1883 and 1887 and practiced for some time, but struggled with the technique and soon become bored. He abandoned hypnosis, saying that it was ineffective, and concentrated on developing psychoanalysis. Freud died on the 23rd September 1939 of cancer, from which he had been suffering since 1923, after making a big impact on the world of psychology.
And so we arrive at the current day in the history of hypnosis. There are many leading figures and pioneers in the world of hypnotism today. And the story of hypnotism does not end here, quite the opposite in fact. There are new and exciting discoveries being made all the time and also “add-on” therapies that complement hypnotherapy, many of which have their roots in hypnosis. These are continually being developed, and the list is endless of the psychological problems, phobias and fears that can be put in their place by these well-founded therapies. Below are some examples:
     · Stopping smoking 
     · Weight loss 
     · Improving low self-esteem and motivation 
     · Dealing with anxiety and panic 
     · Increasing athletic performance 
 Curing procrastination (putting off doing something,, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness) and curing phobias such as:
     · Fear of heights 
     · Fear of spiders, snakes and other animals 
     · Fear of public speaking 
     · Fear of enclosed spaces 

Institute of Higher Alignment
 Do you dream of creative, harmonious relationships where your truth, whatever it may be, is appreciated and honored? Are you ready to be with friends and partners that recognize and encourage you to be who you really are? Are you able to see your relationship patterns as they constantly re-emerge? Are you willing to use the pain of past negative choices to clarify new ways of engaging? 
 If you can see the possibility of creative connections, are able to recognize the patterns of your past compromises and are willing to transmute pain into new opportunities that are initially uncomfortable, then Higher Alignment is a potential path for your conscious relationship development. Our commitment is to provide and encourage: 
 1) Self Presence practices that reveal compromise; 
 2) Creative Awareness opportunities enabling us to define common contributions; and 
 3) Creative Self Love rather than the common idealization, personalization and objectification of love outside of us. http://www.higheralignment.com/

 Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye.
 Iri and iris come from the Greek name of the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. The Greeks noted eyes come in many, many colors. And iridology also comes from the Greek, meaning study of. Literally translated, iridology means the study of the coloration of the eye.
The iris reveals changing conditions of every part and organ of the body. Every organ and part of the body is represented in the iris in a well defined area. In addition, through various marks, signs, and discoloration in the iris, nature reveals inherited weaknesses and strengths.
 By means of this art / science, an iridologist (one who studies the coloration and fiber structure of the eye) can tell an individual his/her inherited and acquired tendencies towards health and disease, his current condition in general and the state of every organ in particular. 
 Iridology cannot detect a specific disease but can tell an individual if they have over or under activity in specific areas of the body. For example, an under-active pancreas might indicate a diabetic condition.

 Tom Robbins jokes in “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues” that “human beings were invented by water as a device for transporting itself from one place to another”. And indeed, a large percentage of our bodies are water, and water, including that contained in fruit and vegetables, is the primordial element of life. 
 Some (often successful) therapies for cancer and degenerative disease such as the Gerson therapy hinge or at least heavily lean upon the use of juicers to allow the liberal consumption of freshly squeezed vegetables and fruits.
 As cancer victor George Malkmus affirms, “many digestive systems are not functioning well and the sicker the person, the more difficult it is to digest and assimilate the nutrients in raw vegetables, because they contain the pulp or fiber. But with the pulp or fiber removed, the nutrients can pass directly into the blood stream and within minutes are feeding the cells and restoring the immune system.”
 George Malkmus healed himself of colon cancer by switching to a vegetarian regime composed largely of raw fruits and vegetables, amending his lifestyle and drinking lots of freshly extracted carrot juice.
http://www.gerson.org/g_therapy/default.asp http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/juicers.html



 Dr. George Goodheart found that evaluation of normal and abnormal body function could be accomplished by using muscle tests. Since the original discovery, the principle has broadened to include evaluation of the nervous, vascular, and lymphatic systems, nutrition, acupuncture, and cerebrospinal fluid function.
 The founders of the different branches of Kinesiologic Medicine are often members of the International College of Applied Kinesiology, ICAK. Kinesiologic Medicine is used today by many professional therapists like chiropractors, medical doctors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, osteopaths, nutritional therapists.

Matrix Energetics
 Matrix Energetics is a complete system of healing, self-care and transformation. It is a transferable and teachable phenomenon, powered by intent, which has a physical and observable effect every time. Complete beginners as well as seasoned health care practitioners are able to perform and utilize this work to affect change-with no waiting and no running of energy. Anyone can learn this skill and practice Matrix Energetics.
 Matrix Energetics starts with a gentle light touch and the power of focused intent and builds into a new and joy-filled state that can affect life changes. This exciting new tool can be used to heal, to transform and to create new possibilities. It’s very much about transforming your beliefs concerning healing, disease and the structure of reality.
 Matrix Energetics sometimes appears magical in its expression but is based on the laws and expression of subtle energy physics and the concepts and laws of quantum physics, superstring theory and Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance. Often you will see and feel a wave like motion when Matrix Energetics is applied, as the person being worked on experiences a smooth wave of transformation and the body seems to drop in a completely relaxed wave instantly. This can happen standing up, sitting down or laying on a table. The participants are taught specific methods of using a powerful, focused intent. 
 This is combined with application of a light touch method for identifying the parts of the body where the Matrix Energetics “wave” will yield optimum results. What seems to be happening is that the unconsciousness and the biological physical fields are interacting.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, D.C., N.D.

Michael Teachings
 The name “Michael” is simply one way to name a system of personality understanding (or “teaching”).  It has no real significance other than to make it known in some definitive way. 
 This teaching is not a belief system and is not meant to be taken at face value.  It doesn’t require belief to be valid. With the knowledge of this system, you can choose whether to operate from the positive parts of your personality - or from the negative parts of your personality.  When you come from the positive parts, you are acting out of true personality. 
 That is how your essence (or your inner being) can grow and express itself.  When you come from the negative parts, you are acting out of false personality.  This is deception, and results in more struggle and strife to accomplish your purpose.
 It is a universal law that you can only love others to the degree that you are able to love yourself.  So, in this teaching, you begin by studying yourself.  Through this process, you develop a greater understanding of yourself - and of the challenges and agreements you have set out to fulfill in this lifetime.  Through this process, you can develop a greater tolerance toward yourself and attain the balance that allows you to act as appropriately as possible and to actualize your fullest potential.
 The written word becomes carved in stone.  Please do not “believe” what we have written here, but check it out for yourself.  And once you have mastered it, let it go.
(adapted from http://www.itstime.com/michael.htm Michael Handbook and Michael: The Basic Teachings) 


Neuro Emotional Anti-Sabotage Technique (NEAT)
NEAT is a branch of NET used by Chiropractors and Psychotherapists. It is a technique that has been under constant refinement since 1988. It has been introduced to over 3,000 health professionals from countries all over the world. NEAT is a practical, immediate and subjectively-felt application of the ever-emerging mind-body paradigm.
The purpose of NEAT is to make certain that the client is congruent with whatever is desirable. Simply, the practitioner requests a client say something that he or she holds to be true or wants to be true.
It is very helpful for a client wanting to make a change to be congruent on the personal declarative “I’m OK with my present situation” – weight, job, relationship – before going on to “I want to change the situation.” This will uncover the underlying issue.
NECs can be discovered by analyzing that which is not OK. Adjusting the corresponding subluxation, using a certified practitioner, will move the client toward OKness.
Sources: Scott Walker, DC, NET, Inc, Encinitis CA; and PK Hawk, MS. Denver, Colorado | 1-888-7-HELP-24* | Info@CompWellness.net ... Myofascial Release · Naturopathy · Neuro Emotional Anti-Sabotage Technique

Neuro Linguistic Programming
 Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ (NLP™) is defined as the study of the structure of subjective experience and what can be calculated from that and is predicated upon the belief that all behavior has structure. People such as Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson and Fritz Perls had amazing results with their clients. Richard Bandler built formal models from some of the people whose linguistic and behavioral patterns showed consistencies. He then applied these models to his work.
 Because these models are formal they also allow for prediction and calculation. Patterns that may not have been available in any of these people’s work could be calculated from the formal representations he had created. New techniques and models were (and still are being) developed. 
 Since the models that constitute NLP™ describe how the human brain functions they are used in order to teach them. NLP™ is not a diagnostic tool. It can only be applied and can therefore only be taught experientially.
 Well trained Neuro-Linguistic Programmers™ will always teach by installation, not by teaching technique after technique. Techniques outdate themselves too quickly to base the field of NLP™ on a set of techniques. It is based upon the attitude, the models and the skills which allow for constant generation of new techniques which are more effective and work faster.

 Numerology is the Science of Numbers. The word Numerology comes from the Latin word “numerus,” which means number, and the Greek word “logos,” which means word, thought, and expression. Numerology influences every aspect of your life. It creates the blueprint of your future, and it can open the doors to unveiling your own deeper nature, and more. 
 Your unique combination of numbers created by your name and birth date can be translated into a personalized Numerology chart. This chart can provide insight into finding your way on life’s journey by offering guidance, identifying your strengths, and understanding your challenges. Learn more about yourself and others, your relationships, compatibilities, finances, and career.
 Understand yourself at a deeper level by discovering how your personal Numerology affects your destiny. You might say that Numerology is like a mirror that reflects your life’s journey in the form of numbers. 

Past Life Regression
 Past life regression is a psychological or spiritual phenomenon associated with the New Age movement and a belief in reincarnation. It can be conducted through hypnosis, guided or facilitated meditations, or other trance inducing activities. It takes a variety of forms though is always the process of a person being regressed to learn about their past lives, particularly traumas and karmic events associated with issues and patterns in one’s current life.
 Past Life Therapy (PLT) utilizing clinical hypnotherapy/ de-hypnosis claims to allow unconscious experiences from past life traumas or emotionally charged events to become fully conscious. Past Life Therapy aims to resolve unconscious, survival-based scripts that could be negatively affecting one’s present health, behaviors, or quality of life. Supporters of PLT claim that it can allow for a more thorough resolution since it gives the mind permission to locate past life sources affecting present day challenges or obstacles. Also, PLT can uncover patterns and unconscious dialogue from many lifetimes of trauma or confusion associated with an event and that individuals often re-create similar experiences unconsciously as an attempt to complete or heal an unresolved past life experience.

Rife Machine
 In the latter half of the 1990s decade, the orthodox medical system imploded. New forms of healing suddenly were chosen by huge segments of the American people while drug medicine, surgery and endless high technology diagnostics were increasingly rejected. 
  From this amazing shift to blood cleansing, herbal cures, acupuncture, energy body stimulation, and active physical and mental participation of the patient in the healing process came the revival of various lost or suppressed discoveries from other times. Among the most outstanding was one based on the discoveries of Royal R. Rife, the lost genius of San Diego.
 Rife was a brilliant scientist, born in the late 1800s. He studied at Johns Hopkins, and developed bioelectric medicine technology that is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation. He received 14 major awards and honors and was given an honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg for his work.
 In the 1930’s Rife invented a super microscope that used light in a revolutionary design. It enabled him to see a virus-size microbe, invisible to the naked eye that could not even be seen with an electron microscope. More important, unlike electron microscopes, the microbe remained alive. He found that every micro-organism has a “mortal oscillatory rate” – a point at which it will shatter or break apart when bombarded by sound waves, like an intense musical note that shatters a glass.
 He discovered the microbe that caused, or at minimum was deeply involved with cancer! Once the frequency for the cancer-linked microbe was identified, it was a simple step to test his world-shaking discovery on mice, and then move to clinical treatment of supposedly “terminal” cancer patients.
 In 1934 Rife and a team of doctors and scientists from leading medical research facilities cured 16 out of 16 cancer patients using the Frequency Machine. Over the next four years the instruments and methods were refined. Some of North America’s most brilliant cancer researchers visited Rife’s laboratory and became involved in a secret research committee at U.S.C.
 Clinical proof of successful and painless cures from cancer and other microbe-caused diseases increased as clinics in Los Angeles and San Diego slowly documented cases. Additional laboratory verification came from research institutions in San Francisco, Chicago, New Jersey and Montreal. By the late 1930s, ENERGY MEDICINE doctors, using a variety of different electronic approaches, grew in numbers and had formed national associations.

Sound Therapy
 In fact, this extraordinary and powerful sherry Edwards and missing frequencies technology upon which you are about to embark was the result of a thorough understanding of ancient knowledge. This ancient science is knowledge, which can now be explained in the light of the new science of orgone physics, or the physics of life force: By now we know that astrological influences upon nature and human beings, or trends of destiny, are the result of the properties of life force: negative entropy and direct transfer at any distance. This theoretical basis of astrology has been established by Karl Hans Welz, the inventor of the Chi Generator®, who for over twenty years had a successful career as a professional astrologer. 
 Based on this path breaking new understanding of astrology combined with his truly revolutionary invention, the Chi Generator®, which is a generator of life force that has never been seen on this planet before, he developed new methods and equipment that makes it possible for you to actually create any planetary energy (trend energy) that you desire. In fact, by now this extremely powerful technology of taking control of planetary energies is as easy as 1-2-3: Therefore, if you can read your daily horoscope column, you can take control of your sherry Edwards and missing frequencies needs! 

Su Jok
 In understanding the anatomy of the human body as a whole, the hands and feet themselves represent a smaller, but nevertheless true, mirror image of the whole body. Within this view, the thumbs and large toes represent the head. In addition to serving normal functions as appendages to the four limbs (legs and arms), the hands and feet are endowed with an exquisite “remote control” function which can cure diseases throughout the whole body. Knowledge of the principles through hand and foot acupuncture will provide an impressive vehicle for personal and family health care.
 One of the characteristics of the human body is existence of a certain correspondence system between the whole of the body and some of its parts. Through this system the whole of the body is represented in many places all over the body. Correspondence works in such way that the whole of the body and its representations are interactive. Thus if a part of the body is affected with a disease it is also reflected in the place which represents the affected part. And on the other hand a stimulation of a place which represents a particular part of the body raises a reaction in the represented part. A general idea of existence of this type of body correspondence has already been proved by anatomy and physiology.
 A new type of therapy which has been named Hand and Foot Acupuncture (Su Jok Acupuncture) is a method of curing diseases by stimulation of the hands and the feet with a combined use of acupuncture, medical treatment aids like moxibustion, finger pressure therapy and others.
 Research has already established correspondence between the body and the hand led me to a discovery of a new system of correspondence, in which the thumb represents the head. In addition to that, I was also able to confirm the fact that the foot has the same type of correspondence as the hand. Presuming that an autonomous system of therapy will also be possible through the foot I approached it with acupuncture and moxibustion. This way an application of the domain of Oriental Medicine - acupuncture - exclusively to the hands and the feet developed a new and unique method of treatment and the same established the birth of Su Jok Acupuncture.
 Hand and Foot Acupuncture may be classified as a pluralistic system of treatment which has several levels.
 The first level, which is based on physical science, utilizes for treatment a simple stimulation of the following body correspondence reaction, body corresponding areas on the hands and the feet. Since a part of the body where sickness appears has it’s counterparts - corresponding areas on the hands and the feet, a stimulation there yields results in therapy. If only there is an understanding of the relation between the body and related to it correspondence structure on the hands and the feet, a practical application of this type of therapy is possible and easy for anyone. Treatment results obtained from stimulation of the corresponding areas of the hands and feet are tremendous. This popular way of treatment can successfully relieve almost all the complaints.
